H1 Thermostat - FLAG1
0x00 Params
There are different messages sending through. We can decode them with base64.
encoded | readable |
eyJjbWQiOiJnZXRUZW1wIn0 | {“cmd”:”getTemp”} |
eyJ0ZW1wZXJhdHVyZSI6IDc3LCAic3VjY2VzcyI6IHRydWV9 | {“temperature”: 77, “success”: true} |
eyJjbWQiOiJzZXRUZW1wIiwidGVtcCI6Nzd9 | {“cmd”:”setTemp”,”temp”:77} |
eyJjbWQiOiJzZXRUZW1wIiwidGVtcCI6NzB9 | {“cmd”:”setTemp”,”temp”:70} |
eyJzdWNjZXNzIjogdHJ1ZX0= | {“success”: true} |
As the app shows current temperature is 73 and target 70.
Tried to manually change the temperature by encode
But got an error as following
{"success": false, "error": "MAC failure"}
0x01 Check Source
Something wrong with that MAC. Need go back to check the source for some help.
classes.dex -> com -> hacker101 -> level11 -> PlayloadRequest
Both flags can be found here.